
Invidia adjusted her tie as she stepped into the street festival.  She’d considered getting a yukata, but she wouldn’t be able to find anything eye-catching enough quickly.  So she settled for her business dress, with just enough jewelry to make people realize she was richer than they’d ever be.  Judging from the looks she was getting, it was working.

Gula had taught her long ago that as a sin demon you either were consumed by your sin, or you inspired it in others.  And given the choice between being envious and being envied, she’d pick the latter every time.  That had changed her life for the better.  And while constantly running the fine line between inspiring enough envy to sustain her but not enough to get attacked was annoying sometimes, she was fine living like this.

Most of her other sisters weren’t as lucky. And Acedia, well poor Acedia didn’t want to hurt others.  She’d pitied her youngest sister.  The money she’d sent had been to inspire envy, but she really did want her sister to have a good life.  Or at least the best life she could have.

But that hadn’t happened.

“Hey sis.”  The greeting was breathy, and seemed to linger lavaciously in the air.  Which made it obvious who was responsible.

She looked over to see her sister Luxuria.  Of course the demon of Lust had grabbed a yukata a size too small. And was wearing it ‘traditionally.’  Invidia forced down her irritation.  After all, her sister was just doing what she needed to do to survive.  And that meant showing a lot of skin, no matter what Invidia thought about it.  “I’m glad you could make it.”

“It would be sad if only one of us showed up,” Luxuria said.  “I wish it could have been all of us but…”

Invidia nodded in agreement.  Without Gula to keep them together, they’d drifted apart.

Now that she’d found her sister, Invidia turned to look for the people who’d invited them.  She spotted the jiang-shi first at the river’s bank, the woman standing out even among the crowd of youkai.  And the witch was there at her side, holding a paper lantern.  Invidia nudged her sister, then began walking towards them.

The two quickly noticed the demons’ presence, and turned to face them.  No envy or lust from those two though.  Just sorrow and guilt.  The latter was something Invidia was used to.  Guilt was a frequent chaser to a sin demon’s meals.  Sorrow however….

“Hello,” the jiang-shi managed to say.

“Hi,” Luxuria replied.  “I’m Luxuria.”




The four stood in awkward silence for a while.  What was there to say?  The one person who tied them together was dead and gone.

Finally Invidia managed to ask the one question she’d had ever since she’d gotten that letter.  “Did Acedia really break free?”

“Yes.” Helena replied.  “She was no longer chained to her name.”  The witch’s certainty brought some comfort to Invidia.

“Was she happy?” Luxuria asked quietly.

Camila looked down.  “Don’t know about happy.  But she went with a smile.  Ruined the bastard’s plans too.”  Invidia felt her eyes sting.  

Luxuria was more open about wiping away her tears.  “I wish I could have seen it.  She’d never really smiled before.”

“I hope she’ll have a chance next time,” Helena murmured.

Invidia looked at the witch.  “You know demons don’t get a next time.”

“I bribed the Sanzu ferryman,” Helena said matter of factly.  “She’ll be bound for reincarnation.  Eventually.”

“What.”  Invidia turned to stare at the woman.  She knew magicians were insane and powerful but…  “Why?  Why go through so much effort?”

Helena looked away.  “Because she deserved a chance to be the person she became.  Someone not trapped by other people’s rules.  Because I failed to protect her.  Because…”

“Because she was our friend,” Camila stated with finality.

Invidia felt a deep familiar pain in her chest.  One she’d been born knowing, and one she loved and hated.  To find such friendship, even for a short while…

An arm wrapped around her shoulder.  “Thought you liked making jealousy these days sis, not feeling it.”  Luxuria’s husky taunt stabbed just where it hurt the most.

But this time she embraced the pain and forced a smile.  “If I’m feeling jealous of Acedia, it must mean she was very happy to have met you two.”  That got a weak grin from Helena and a choked giggle from Camila.

Helena took a shaky breath, and held out the lantern.  “As her family you have the right to send her soul on.  I think she’d be happy knowing you were there for her in spirit.”

Invidia accepted the small offering.  It was a simple thing, but one drenched in a symbolism older than she was.  “Thank you.”

She accepted the pain that was part of her again and held it towards her sister.  “Light it Luxuria.”

“Thank you, sister.” For once her sister had cut out any flirtation or seduction from her tone.  Instead Luxuria tapped the wick, and set it alight with the tiny spark of demonfire that she could summon.

As the lantern began to glow with the flame within, Invidia placed it on the river and gave it a gentle push.  Then, as the other supplicants had she clapped twice and bowed her head, offering what prayer a demon could.  The other three all followed suit, Camila using some magic to bend her arms in order to clap properly.

As the four living souls watched, the floating lantern glided in the current.  Soon it joined the other lanterns, their lights making the river an otherworldly spectacle as the lanterns and flickering souls slowly headed ever onwards.  Towards the underworld, and then beyond, to the unknown.

2 thoughts on “Epilogue”

  1. Good conclusion and a good send-off for Acedia. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ7

    As for the exposure question… I know it’s an absolutely vexing amount of work, but I don’t think there’s any real substitute for putting it in front of as many eyes as you can in more places and making it as available as possible. Here, RR, ScribbleHub, Ao3, Amazon, itch, Wattpad if you can somehow stand it… et al. But also just… if they’re not in your social media profiles, fix that. If you see a Reddit thread looking for something that these stories offer, link ’em. If you know any librarian friends, ask their opinion, maybe even get them a print on demand copy.

    I think these stories are neat: they touch on a broad range of different mysticism but respect the reader enough to not infodump about them too much. They’re subtly gay but don’t even have romance. The characters are smart, competent, powerful, but also deeply, deeply flawed.

    Helena, especially, is a great viewpoint because she makes so many mistakes, overlooking things because she’s fallen into the executive tarpit, taking her lumps, and learning for next time. She’s effectively an arahitogami, but that just makes her awful luck more amazing and I ended up rooting for her more and more.

    1. Thanks for reading (and commenting)! Sorry for not wandering in earlier but the spam makes notifications useless. >.< I've hit on royalroad (and bounced off a few others) but I'll definitely take another look see. Especially if I ever hammer out a good ending to the next book so I can finally put it out. It's nice to see I managed to hit a lot of the notes I was aiming at. I always worry I whiff and make my characters too competent, and getting comments that point out what they see as a reader are few and far between. While future books will try different things Helena will on some level always be her lovely ball of violence and snark. Thanks again, and hope the best for you. With luck I'll have another release so you can have some more fun wandering the Realm.

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